Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Teens should be required to take parenting classes

      Teens should be required to take parenting classes,  because kids these days are starting to lose care in everything they do.  Unprotected sex, is one of them. More and more teens are getting pregnant at such a young age, and have no clue what's around the corner.  How to change a dipper for example. Or to extend , how to bathe, or teach their children properly. Children teaching children I'd very difficult,  and therefore mandatory classes will result in teens being a little more "prepared " and will hopefully scare them out of unprotected sex.  By the early morning feeding and staying up all night. They will also learn that their life would be 100% dedicated to their child.  Meaning no more late nights out and / or more partying.
       Most teens at age (15) are having sex. Most of them are having it while being unprotected this can cause many teens problems, the younger you are when you are pregnant can cause you health issues and can kill young mothers . Young male think that it's all fun and games until they become a father , then it's hits them that they have done something that will change their lives forever.
         Could decrease the amount of teen pregnancy if teens knew what the effect of having unprotected sex could lead to, they might start being safer or wait if they haven't had sex yet. Also they would think twice before having sex because they would learn that some of their precautions like the "pull out method " isn't as effective as they think it is, and could lead to getting pregnant.
         By the number of teens getting pregnant these days, we need this class to be required.  U